How to apply for ISBN in India?

How to apply for ISBN in India?

Blog Article

If you are either an author or publisher, getting an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for your publication is crucial. It is a unique number 10 or 13-digit allotted to the book to get worldwide recognition and it is also important for tracking. In this blog, I have given a brief insight into the ISBN, its importance, its application process, and its benefits.

Let’s walk through its registration process, benefits, costs, and offers, such as free publishing.

ISBN Registration Process in India:

The following are steps need to follow to apply for ISBN:

  1. Finding an official ISBN agency in India

  2. List out the required documents for submission

  3. Cost of registration

  4. Final approval of ISBN

  5. Search for ISBN in India

    1. Finding an official ISBN Agency in India: There is an official agency called Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency. They are responsible for granting ISBNs to all publishers, self-publishers, and even independent authors. This agency is one of the reasons for the smooth process of publishing a book in India.

    1. List of required documents for submission: To get an ISBN for your book, you need to submit some documents regarding the book title, author details, edition, and format of print. So make sure that you make all these documents handy

    1. Cost of Registration: In India, registering for ISBN is free, but if you need bulk ISBN then you need to pay a minimal cost for getting an ISBN for your books. The amounts will be updated in the fee structures of ISBN in Raja Rammohan Roy’s agency.

    1. Final approval of ISBN: after submitting all the documents required for getting an ISBN, the official agency will look into those documents keenly and check for their uniqueness. After final checks, they will be allotting you the ISBN for your book. After getting that you can use that number during publishing your manuscript, categorizing in the library, selling to retailers, and many more ways.

    1. Search for ISBNs in India: Readers in libraries, booksellers, retailers, and many more people, will go first to check ISBN number to search for a book in a huge collection of books. Even the authors use their ISBN numbers for tracking their books in the market.

From the above you understood the process of applying for getting an ISBN, the benefits of it include

    • Enhanced Discoverability

    • Monitoring sales and distribution

    • Competence

Finally, you understood the importance of ISBNs right!! But thinking of any other way to save time and money for getting ISBN? Yes! You can even get ISBNs, without approaching the main agency. But how? The answer is Double9 Books.

All these tasks will be done by them without spending one rupee. It’s amazing right!! But you heard is correct, they will provide ISBN by submitting all your documents to the Raja Rammohan Roy agency. You will get the 13-digit code very quickly than in normal procedures. So, use this feature in DOuble9 Books for publishing your book.


I hope I have given a clear picture of the details of ISBN numbers, their application process, and their benefits. Go through all those steps clearly avail those benefits and make your mark in Indian literacy.

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